The Apple Core Project identifies and maps fruit tree varieties on the western slope of Colorado. We discover the stories of the people who planted and cared for these trees. Also, we propagate local and rare fruit genetics by grafting and planting new trees in the area. More recently to revive the fruit growing economy on the western slope and to support our project, we started a juice pressing operation. Finally, we educate children and adults alike at the Demo Orchard farm, in schools and in community grafting classes.

Mapping & Identification
Our group will map and collect genetic and historic information to document
heritage fruit varieties in the region.

Grafting & Planting
We will graft from trees to help you expand your orchard and preserve rare heirlooms that thrive in the region by planting on public and private lands. We offer local grafting classes every Spring.

In collaboration with the Rimrocker Historical Society we will document
the living history of these trees as it is presented to us.

Site Assessment
We will provide resources for orchard maintenance such as pruning and planting practices and integrated pest management. Upon your request, we'll report our findings.

Education/Experiential Learning
We offer experiential education with pre-K-12 students at our demo orchard to prune trees, plant trees, identify varieties, press juice, learn about companion planting and finally to learn about the history of those before us in our beautiful setting we call home.

Juice Pressing Operation
We pick apples from our own orchards and other orchard owners donate apples to support the project's mission. We are in the third year of our apple pressing project and expand every year.

Gleaning & Picking
We will connect you with buyers if you desire to have a working orchard. Or, we will gather excess apples or other fruit for distribution to local food banks, organizations, or individuals for home use or for our juice pressing operation.